The ending of One Direction’s History music video made some fans sad as the boys walked off in opposite directions of the screen, leaving a blank brick wall before the screen went black. It turns out, in reality, the video actually ended a bit differently than what fans got to see!
In an interview with MTV News Ben Winston, Calvin Turner, and Calvin Aurand talked about History and how it felt to film their last music video, for a while, with Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam. They said the mood on set was more of a celebration of their time together than saying a temporary goodbye. The lads and their crew know they’ll return in the future so it was nice to gather footage from their first chapter together, edit it around current scenes of the lads singing and dancing together and knowing that for as much of a gift as the song was to fans, the video was one too.
Cal says the lads work together incredibly well, that they’ve always been focused on a common goal, on each other, and on their fans which is what makes it easy not only to work with them, but for the things they do to come together so effortlessly.
Then, they dropped this bomb on us.
MTV News: The shot at the end where they wave goodbye and walk off in their own directions — no pun intended — was pretty emotional to watch. What was it like shooting that scene?
Ben: Well actually, I see that a bit too much has been read into that one. I think too much has been read into that ending where they walk off in different directions. Because actually, they do run back together at the end. But I don’t know why… Gabe, why did we cut that last shot where they run back together at the end?
Gabe: It just didn’t look that great. But there certainly wasn’t any… it wasn’t supposed to be them walking off, it was just kind of like an, “OK, see you in a bit, guys!”
Ben: Yeah, we probably should’ve included that ending, because people have read into it.
You mean, the video actually should have ended with the lads running back to each other? We are trying to figure out how on earth that got edited out because regardless of how it looked, that would have been the perfect ending to the video!
At the end of the interview MTV News suggests that when the lads get back together that footage be released, and Ben said that’s how they’ll celebrate them returning from their hiatus.
As if One Direction fans weren’t already anxiously awaiting their return, now everyone needs them back even quicker.